Adobe Spark Post for Graphic Design Portfolio

Learn How to Create Eye-catching Graphics on Adobe Spark Post

The chal­lenge to stand out in mar­ket­ing is grow­ing every day, whether you're uti­liz­ing ever-chang­ing social media options like Sto­ries and IGTV or cre­at­ing col­lat­er­al designs to gen­er­ate aware­ness of your brand, prod­uct or service.

Get­ting your visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion right is the best invest­ment of your mar­ket­ing time.

It's absolute­ly crit­i­cal to cap­ture your customer's atten­tion so they read your posts, click through your newslet­ter, linger on your web­site, or absorb your brand mes­sage. But h iring a design­er to cre­ate every­thing you need, when you need it can turn into a large invest­ment. What is the solution?

I've cre­at­ed two ways to teach YOU how to make your own eye-catch­ing graph­ics! Choose one — or both!

    1. For quick info and ideas, there's my week­ly IGTV tuto­ri­als  using the free Adobe Spark Post app.
    2. For a deep­er dive, check out my excit­ing new LinkedIn Learn­ing / video course, Learn­ing Adobe Spark Post .

Before you begin, I have some tips to make it even easier.


Before you start, make a list of what you want to accom­plish. Do you want to c apture leads? Gen­er­ate sales? Intro­duce a new prod­uct or ser­vice? Or do you want to e ngage your cur­rent audi­ence to inter­act more, or raise aware­ness for a cause, or edu­cate your community?

Now choose visu­als that will serve your goals. F or exam­ple, t o cre­ate cause aware­ness, the secret is using com­pelling pho­tog­ra­phy. To  edu­cate or empow­er your com­mu­ni­ty, gath­er strong quotes or visu­als to relay that message.


Cre­ate a ver­sion that works for the para­me­ters of each for­mat you'll use. IE: a lot of type in a tiny square can real­ly lose your audi­ence. Instead use a short sen­tence or key words to grab atten­tion. Don't wor­ry, I'll show you how in my tutorials.


Be sure to use the same fonts, col­ors and pho­to style across the board so you can start to build or main­tain that peo­ple know who/what you are by visu­als alone.


Define the your mes­sage in stages, think­ing of it as a high rise. Your most impor­tant copy becomes your headline(s), while the mid-lev­el info become your sub­head­ings, fol­lowed by any  foun­da­tion­al copy to sup­port them.

Be delib­er­ate! Design with inten­tion!

My info­graph­ic below is an easy ref­er­ence to all this infor­ma­tion.Make sure to PIN or down­load it so  it's always there to aid you as you cre­ate, now and in the future.

There's a BIG BONUS to becom­ing empow­ered to cre­ate your own graph­ics. When you do come to a place or project where you need to hire a pro­fes­sion­al design­er, you will have the tools you need to both bet­ter com­mu­ni­cate with them and assess what they deliv­er! Win/Win!


You're all set to get start­ed with me using the free Adobe Spark Post app: my week­ly IGTV Tuto­ri­als  and my Learn­ing Adobe Spark Post  video course on LinkedIn Learning/ where y ou can even sam­ple three seg­ments for free to see how easy it is.

I hope this has inspired you to cre­ate an authen­tic and amaz­ing brand this new year ahead and in  the years to come!

*This post con­tains affil­i­ate links and I will be com­pen­sat­ed if you make a pur­chase after click­ing on my links.

Adobe Spark Post for Graphic Design Portfolio


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