The Meaning of Chickens Coming Home to Roost

Chickens coming home to roost: Remember what Malcolm said

Violent protesters, loyal to President Donald Trump, storm the Capitol. | John Minchillo/AP

The phrase " the chickens are coming home to roost" is well-known and often attributed to African American, anti-imperialist, revolutionary leader Malcolm X following the assassination of President  Kennedy in 1963.  This refers, of course, to mean that the wrongs committed by an individual or political entity will likewise have a boomerang effect and come back to punish the wrongdoing party in a similar vein.

Remember that some referred to the slain president as "Bay of Pigs Kennedy' as he was considered responsible for the abortive CIA- sponsored invasion of Cuba in 1961.

When applied to the January 6 attempted coup at the Capitol it can only bring to mind the numerous similar right-wing coups the U.S. government has organized around the world, from Guatemala to Indonesia to Chile.

But,  the purpose of this column is to point to the need for those who committed wrongs against the Republic to be brought to justice. I  must echo the  recent  words of Sen. Bernie Sanders: "The rioters should be charged with  treason and  sedition  and should be severely punished."

These traitors wanted to set up a new government and defy the will of the people. They were opposed to the establishment of a democratically elected government and attempted its overthrow. This is treason.

Moreover, GOP representatives complicit in this sordid endeavor should not just be expelled from Congress but should be similarly charged. Law enforcement officers involved should also be charged.  The message has to be sent that treason and sedition shall not be tolerated but shall be rooted out and severely punished for the offenses are severe.

To not charge and punish these thugs would be viewed by them as an attempt at appeasement.  We must well recount that there is no appeasing fascists. Hitler was not appeased by the attempts of Chamberlain to do so He was only emboldened.

Moreover, in the same vein, the impeachment of Trump must go forward. The hypocritical calls of the Republicans for "unity" must be given no consideration. There can be no unity with fascist thugs, brown shirted goons and their supporters including the lawmakers who supported them.

"The Only Good Democrat is a Dead Democrat."

This infamous phrase used in a video retweeted by Trump was from a speech given by Cowboys for Trump founder Couy Griffin in May in New Mexico. This is from a racist, genocidal rant made by U.S. Amy officers and settlers in campaigns against Indigenous nations in the late 19th Century, in which the statement read, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." I'm sure Cowboy Couy was aware of the original statement. This was just another example of the fascist sentiment of  Trump and his supporters.

The charges against the rioters must be upgraded. So many are being charged with minor offenses such as unlawful entry into a government building. This is ridiculous as they should be charged with which they are abundantly guilty: sedition and treason.

The Republicans speak of "unity." This is shameless hypocrisy and deceit. There can be no "unity" with racism and fascism. The U. S. government reached a unity, a rapprochement if you will, after the Civil War with racism by the betrayal of Reconstruction which ushered in 100 bloodstained years of "Jim Crow Law" and savage lynchings of African Americans.

Fascists and racists cannot be appeased. They must be defeated and punished.

As with all op-eds published by People's World, this article reflects the opinions of its author.


Albert Bender

The Meaning of Chickens Coming Home to Roost


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